Thursday, July 31, 2008

Good Batch of Soap and a grandson

Ahh Bliss,
A batch of soap has turned out well it seems. I mixed up yesterday with no interuptions as there were no builders on site (no ,don't ask,we all have our never ending building stories ).Maybe later any way.
I just peeked.I called it Celestial Dreams.I wanted a slight pink and white marbelling effect but at the moment it looks pink with stardust flecks in it.
I used the same styrene box as I had to do the strawberry soaps in and it does seem to have that perfume in it.Considering I put some very expensive vanilla oil and cinnamon in it I do hope it changes. I will have to get a few more boxes and lable their over ridind perfume.
But I am happy with the results as it beats the heck out of the coconut ice crumble I got the other day.
Byron William Horton is my latest grandson born 5.30 am .The only photo I have so far is of him and his Dad looking sooo cute,with Byron wrapped in a Star Cuddly.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I am a little dissapointed.I had hoped to be able to report that today I made a special batch of soap.Hey one of my ingredients was that lovely but expensive coconut oil that had taken me ages to find.
All seemed to go pretty well too plan.I had trace.Then I tipped in a cheap starwberry fragrance and the whole thing set,congealed,clogged up.You get the picture.I tried to stuff it into molds.I have cacooned it for a couple of days as per usual anyway.
I just looked up some trouble shooting pages and it does seem that fragrance was the culprit.Anyone got ideas on how to redo that batch?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Debut of The Wishing Soap

July 28th

Its a cold windy night on the Mountain in my Soap making Place.A night especially made for dreaming up the next batch.

Yes I did go to town and stocked up on star soap molds and oval ones for my ""Tickle My Belly Button" soaps I am planning.I also bought a bottle of Coconut Oil but at a health shop it was expensive.It will give me the means to continue until I recieve a whole sale order of it.

So there they are,my first "Stardust Wishing Soaps".Not ready for release yet.

The special wishing ingredient is the inclusion of 2 or 3 small quartz crystals.

I will tell you more when they are ready to sell.

In the meantime if you want to know a little more email me at
Yes I just changed that as the other one wouldn't work.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Monday 28th July 08
I am so keen to get on with this soap making thing but have no Coconut oil on hand.Drat!
Being out in the country some what I have to think before hoping in car.
I will see what the day brings.In the meantime let me mention some amazing help and direction I have had through this site http://http//
I'll be off now to do what I must do.

Weather or not,the soap must go on.

Thats my bathroom,a place to easily gain inspiration for soap making.Thats me in my wet weather safety soap making outfit.

Stardusting for beginners

July 27th 2008

As an Aquarian and also being born in the year of the Water Dragon and also as an artist who loves all things to do with water ,it was only a matter of time before the art of Soap making took a hold of me.

About 17 years ago I made a couple of large batches set in milk cartons.They were a good , basic white hardy soap,very good for all the hand washing I used to do.

I have just used them up so it shows you how long some soaps can keep.

I really am a novice,but have got myself in quite a lather over this new projcet as I set out to be 'The Soap Makers Apprentice".

I want to learn all the basics of great natural oil soap.How to colour and perfume them.

So here goes.