Saturday, August 30, 2008

Plain White soap

I did it.
Marvelous for me the Artiste.
I have managed to create plain white soap for all those people that prefer no colour ,no perfumes,just an elegant natural very healthy froth and bubble block of soap.
Most soap makers start with the plain white soap of course.

This soap as all my others has a main Macadamia Nut Oil Base ,cause it's the best and was first discovered where I live.
Okay, the soap was in its blanket cocoon for 38 hours this time and I wandered down to one of my favorite spots in the bush to rest gain some of natures energy and wisdom.What name shall I give it ,I waited for inspiration.Finally the obvious donged me over the head.Macadamia Soap.

Now it sits quietly ,I hope as I haven't opened that cupboard door to check that there is no song and dance going on , you never know on a magical spot like Bauple Mountain.In four weeks time I will have a specially elegant lable ready for it and life will seem complete,for 2 seconds as it does.
Oh yes as I heat and make my soaps out doors I did have to lift ash and the odd tiny winged body out.Hope it wasn't a fairy.

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